Anatomia de um motor de busca social de larga escala.

twitter talks 22 Jan 2 feb

Isto promete nos próximos dias mexer com a forma como as redes sociais são encaradas. Pelo menos a coragem para imitar o título do paper “Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine” dos fundadores do Google está lá.

O paper promete:

The paper describes the fundamental differences between the traditional “Library” paradigm of web search — in which answers are found in existing online content — and the new “Village” paradigm of social search — in which answers arise in conversation with the people in your network. We explain that in social search:Users can ask questions in natural language, not keywords Content is generated “on-demand”, tapping the huge amount of information in peoples’ heads The system is fueled by the goodwill of its users

O paper [pdf] de Damon Horowitz e Sepandar D. Kamvar vai ser apresentado na WWW2010 dentro de alguns meses.