Some projects I’m really interested in right now

Command Line Tools for XCode

Apple has released a package with the command line tools needed for writing software that is not Apple dependent. Now if you want to use things like homebrew, or if you want to write your programs that have nothing to do with the apple environment, you can. The download packs the compilers in aprox. 170MB. So if you don’t need the all bloat of XCode+iOS+Crap+BlaBla that usually is as a +4GB download you can now grab the light version.

d3py – Joining ggplot2 with d3.js

I love d3.js (more to this in a future post) and its ability to manipulate data, an I use it mainly to produce dynamic graphs for the web. I also love ggplot2 (Hadley Wickham) that is my workhorse plotting library in R. Now there is a library to do the same thing directly from python. d3py aims at bringing these two worlds together. I’m looking forward to explore this package, and integrating this in django! Woot!