GEMINI – Replicador no Game of Life


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Já havia Guns, Spaceships, Gliders, etc… etc… etc… no GAME OF LIFE. Agora há um NOVO padrão que é verdadeiramente interessante neste autómato celular. Um REPLICADOR. Um padrão que faz cópias de si mesmo (mesmo que demore 34×106 steps) e que promete lançar de novo o interesse nestes autómatos celulares.

in newscientist

Entre ordem e caos…

Rule110_wolframPerhaps the most exciting implication is the possibility that life had its origin in the vicinity of the phase transition, and that evolution reflects the process by which life has gained local control over a successively greater number of environmental parameters affecting its ability to maintain itself at a critical balance point between order and chaos.

C. Langton in Computation at the edge of chaos