Anti Ad Blockers NO VISIT Websites list

  1. Anti Ad Blockers are now being used by online publishers as a counter measure to, well… Ad Blockers.  I find this outranging and intrusive.  This is an interference with my private choice of having an ad blocker installed.

  2. If I don’t want to see Ads, I don’t see ads, PERIOD.  I can do it on TV and turn off ads during soccer breaks, so why can’t I block websites attempt to send ads down to my computer?

  3. Imagine if you could’t turn off your TV while commercials where playing?  Or if something imprisoned you in the sofa during the Super bowl break when you wanted to go to the bathroom because you still hadn’t seen a FAIR DOSAGE OF ADS — have you taken your pill today?

  4. Anti Ad Blockers are a kind of SELF-CRYPTO-RANSOMWARE for websites.  Their content becomes locked and unreadable hoping suckers/users will pay for something before checking the quality of the product.

  5. Meanwhile, users will give up on them and move on to the next thing.  Worse.  The next time they see a link to another story from the same website they won’t even bother clicking on it.  Websites that are using Anti Ad Blockers are in reality diminishing the value of their brand, because they are putting their brand in a mental NO VISIT list.

  6. The argument that they need to have some revenue from their work is flawed mainly because no one is asking them for the ads in the first place.  It was the publishing industry that first started using ads with malicious practices of tracking users via cookies and gathering information without users consent.

  7. Television and radio also have their own abusive practices like increasing volume of emission during breaks so ADS SEEM LOUDER and cut through room talk during breaks.  On the web they want to target users using ad blockers as responsible for their loss of revenue.  As if ad blocker users are SECOND-ORDER PIRATES.

  8. A solution to this race is no where to be seen in the near future.  Publishing companies need to STOP INTERFERING with client options and realise that maybe those losses are just operational costs.  Meanwhile maybe users will come up with lists of NO VISIT websites similar to the MALICIOUS SOFTWARE website listings.  The idea being to protect users from WAISTING TIME with companies that don’t respect users privacy.