Are there any models on creativity? Not creativity in a utilitarian way, like innovation, but creativity, just a theory of how creativity exists.
Different factors are studied with ABM (transport, land use, residential segregation) and the authors found that there is a trade-off between economic progress and socioeconomic equity. Is Creativity elitist? #FullRead
- creative urban environments
- mixed land-use and population density
- affordable urban and regional mobility
- high levels of societal tolerance.
"... the starting point for theory building is establishing relevant stylised facts"
KALDOR, N. (1957). A Model of Economic Growth. The Economic Journal, 67 (268): 591–624. [doi:10.2307/2227704]
- "... provides the intellectual platform underlying the ... approach..."§
- § 2.1 - "... maximize the benefits of agglomeration by reducing the inefficiencies caused by congestion."
- § 2.2 - a notion of 'creativity' conceptualises the relationship between urban morphology and economic productivity ...
- §2.4 "doubling the employment density (jobs per unit area) is associated with 2-6 percent rise in productivity". "high density of interactions is associated with high levels of economic productivity" (potential connection with imperfect information and in-person interactions)
- §2.6 Innovation <- in-person interactions. Tension between Centrifugal (causing sprawl) and centripetal (-> density).
- §2.8 "observe global phenomena through local-level interactions"
- §3.2 "Axtell and Epstein (1994) classify ABMs from "level 0" types that broadly caricature real-world agent behavior to "level 3" where they are in quantitative agreement with both the macro- and "micro-structures" of the target system."
- AXTELL, R. & Epstein, J., (1994). Agent-based Modelling: Understanding Our Creations. The Bulletin of the Santa Fe Institute, (Winter): 28–32.
- the model is available for download and also includes de ODD description
- §4.1 emergence of creative clusters
Like so many other properties of life, measuring creativity needs indicies:
- Creativity and Prosperity: The Global Creativity Index by Richard Florida et al; In this one the index (CGI - Global Creativity Index) is based on 3Ts of economic development (Talent, Technology, and Tolerance [What is the opposite of Tolerance?] .)
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